Ideal Township

Crow Wing County - Minnesota

September Ideal Town Board Meeting

Monday, September 9, 2024 - 6:30pm
Meeting Agenda: 

Standard Board Meeting Agenda

Zoom Meeting ID 881 4461 2831

Here is the standard agenda used by the Board as a basis for each monthly meeting agenda:

  1. Call to Order
  2. Approve the Minutes of previous board meeting(s)
  3. Open Forum
  4. Fire Department report
  5. Planning & Zoning Ordinances
  6. Road and Bridge report
  7. Transfer Station report
  8. Buildings, Grounds, Parks & Recreation report
  9. Legislative & Research report
  10. Approve previous month's treasurer's report
  11. Approve payment of all current month's bills
  12. Other business that may come before the Board

Agenda Notes

Monthly board of supervisors meetings are held on the second Monday of each month at 6:30 pm at the Ideal Town Hall. Meeting dates can be changed by the board as needed to assure a quorum.

Residents who have questions or comments related to a particular department - road & bridge, transfer station, etc. - are encouraged to speak during that department's report. Public comments about any township issue can be raised during the "Open Forum" segment.

If you would like to add your topic to the official meeting agenda for a monthly board meeting, please provide info to the township clerk at least 10 days prior to the meeting date.

Note that a variety of issues and topics are routinely brought before the Board during "Open Forum" without prior notice. By law, the Board cannot require that citizens provide prior notice of agenda topics they intend to raise at the meeting, and therefore, the Board cannot provide reliable advance public notice of specific topics that may come before the board at regular monthly board meetings.

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