Ideal Township

Crow Wing County - Minnesota


Find info about voter registration, polling places, and more at the MN Votes website.

Submit a voter registration application here.

Township Election & Annual Meeting

Ideal Township holds its annual election each year on the second Tuesday of March as is prescribed by state statute. Generally there is one township supervisor position to be elected each year. Each supervisor position is elected for 3-year terms. All registered Ideal Township residents are eligible to vote. Election day voter registration is available with verification of residency.

Absentee Ballots

Download and submit the Absentee Ballot Application to receive an absentee ballot by mail.  Mail the Absentee Ballot Application to the Ideal Township Clerk at Ideal Township 35458 Butternut Point Road, Pequot Lakes, MN 56472.  Or you can vote absentee in-person for the Township election (March 11th, 2025) at the Town Hall starting February 7th 2025.  Absentee Ballots can be returned by the voter or agent, in person, until 3:00pm on March 11th, 2025.  If delivered by mail or a package delivery service, ballot must arrive by 8:00pm on March 11th, 2025.  Contact the clerk for more info.

Polling Place

The Ideal Community Center is also a polling place for state, national primary & general elections.

Please contact the Clerk if you are interested in serving as an election judge.


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