Transfer Station

The Ideal Transfer Station is now Open Wednesdays and Saturdays 8:00am to 4:00pm.
Located off of County Road 16 at the end of West Island Lake Drive. West Island Lake Drive is about 2.5 miles east of Hwy. 371 or 5.5 miles west of Ideal Town Hall. The phone number is 218-543-6372.
A yearly permit is required to use the facility - $15 is the fee. Users pay the permit fee and an additional charge for each item or load brought to the Transfer Station.
The permit entitles users to access the facility and includes:
- unlimited recycling
- one load of yard waste for composting (leaves, needles, grass clipping, lake weeds)
- one load of brush
At the bottom of the page is the Ideal Transfer Station Disposal Guide. It is also available at the Transfer Station or the Ideal Town Hall.
Days & Times
Transfer station hours are always from 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Depending on the time of year, the station is open on the following days:
- Open Wednesdays and Saturdays all Year
- Summer: June 1st to September 15th, Open Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays
The Transfer Station is not open on legal holidays. Access is allowed only on posted days during the hours the attendant is on site. Be sure to check-in with the attendant before unloading your items. A fine can be assessed for illegal dumping.
Recycling of clean plastic, newspaper, glass, tin and aluminum is free. Recyclable items must be clean, loose (not in bags), and deposited in proper container as directed by attendant. Putting household garbage in the recycling bins is grounds to revoke user permit.
Recyclables Sorting Guide:
magazines; envelopes; newspaper; file folders; brochures; writing, typing and computer paper; poster board; phone books; food, pop, cereal boxes; paper egg cartons
No plastic bags
tin food cans
plastic; milk, juice, soap, & soda bottles, food containers
Loose Items - No plastic bags
glass; juice, pop, soda, water, beer & wine bottles
Loose Items - No plastic bags
foil; beverage cans
No plastic bags
Must be flattened
Standard household hazardous waste
Paint, solvents, stains, aerosol cans, herbicides, pesticides, etc. - can be disposed for free. Crow Wing County requires completed survey form for each user of this program.
Items are not buried on site. All hazardous items are transferred to the Crow Wing County Landfill for processing and proper disposal.
Yard Waste
The transfer station maintains piles for organic yard waste. No plastic bags in these piles please.
Permit holders receive one free small load per year of compostible yard waste - leaves, grass clippings, lake weeds, garden cleanup. Small load $3. Commercial users $5 per yard. Free compost soil is available for pickup during normal transfer station hours.
Permit holders receive one free small load per year. Small load $6; large load $10; large commercial $25.
No charge for clean, 2' blocked firewood. Used for campfire wood at Rollie Johnson Recreation Area.
Items NOT accepted at the transfer station:
- hypodermic needles
- flourescent bulbs
- rechargeable batteries
- fuels - gas, propane, etc.
- used oil, oil filters
- anti-freeze
- heavy equipment tires
- concrete
- asphalt
- fill dirt
- ashes
We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. All charges are at the discretion of the attendant and are subject to change without notice.
If you have comments or questions about the transfer station, please contact John Bilek, the town clerk, or any supervisor.